Förra veckan slängdes ett dopningstest på fjäderviktsmästaren José Aldo (25-1) efter att mannen som uförde provet inte hade att arbets-visum i Brasilien. Nu förklarar Aldo och hans coach vad som hände.
Förra veckan kunde vi på MMAnytt berätta om att ett dopningsprov på fjäderviktsmästaren José Aldo beslagtigits efter att mannen, Ben Mosier, som utförde testet inte hade ett arbets-visum i Brasilien. Mosier var på uppdrag för NSAC men efter att Aldos coach Andre Pederneiras ringt polisen så fick han inte ta med sig provet till USA. Nu förklarar Pederneiras till MMA Fighting vad han tyckte hände:
”When they came to us, Aldo immediately did the test. It was weird because no one from the Brazilian commission knew about this. At first, he said he was from the (Nevada) commission, and then I asked for a document and he said he was from a lab, so I decided to call the (Brazilian) athletic commission. I called them, and they had no idea about the test. (CABMMA’s) Cristiano (Sampaio) came here and realized that there was also an issue about his visa. I don’t think anyone can go to the United States and work illegally there. You would be arrested and deported immediately, and that’s not what happened with him here. Actually, after all this mess, he was notified and given eight days to leave the country”.
Även Aldo själv förklarade sin del i det hela. Brassen möter Conor McGregor vid UFC 189 nästa månad och han var inte nöjd med att McGregor kallade honom för ”a weasel” efter att dopningsprovet beslagtagits:
”This guy came here, I pissed. I did my job, put the thing in the cup and give it to him. It was a big mess, and at the same time I had to train. I came here at 10 a.m. and he was already waiting for me. I came back the next day and thank god it finally happened. I pissed again. This guy saw me more naked more than my wife. Man, two days in a row. But everything went fine. I’m an athlete and they want to prove anything, so I went there and did everything right, everything I had to do. If they come here again, they know where to find me. They have my address, gym’s address, they know where I am. I gave them all my information, my phone number. They can come here if they want. I will answer him (McGregor) in there. He can say whatever he wants. He can try anything he wants. In there, when we are face to face, I will answer him. He will see what he got himself into”.
Foto: Patrick Jenkinson