Jose Aldo delar med sig av sina åsikter om Ronda Rousey och kvinnlig MMA.
Jose Aldo är aktuell med sin match mot Conor McGregor på UFC 194 som äger rum 12 december. Inför matchen diskuterar han Ronda Rouseys senaste match:
”It’s normal. There are wins and losses. Holm was a multiple-time champion in boxing and was able to do her thing standing, and I knew Holm would win if she kept it standing.”
Utöver Rouseys match berättar Aldo att han föredrar att kolla på kvinnornas matcher istället för männens:
”Ronda is a great champion, I respect her, but I think men’s [MMA] is at a higher level. [Male] athletes aren’t separated by one martial art only, like ‘I’m a judoka and I only catch arms’. There’s no such thing as this one who survives. Athletes have to be good standing and on the ground today. You have to be good wherever the fight goes and that’s how I try to be. I like to watch women’s MMA more than men fighting because they always do their best and fight hard.”
Samtidigt blir Aldo inte förvånad om Rousey pensionerar sig från sporten. Han jämför Rousey med Gina Carano. Carano var den största kvinnliga fightern fram tills hon mötte Cristiane ”Cyborg” Justino 2009 och förlorade sin första match. Carano pensionerade sig från sporten och blev skådespelare istället. Aldo tror att samma sak kommer att ske med Rousey:
”I think it’s really hard for her to return to fighting. Her career has taken a different direction. If I’m making a lot of money doing movies or something else, I’d go that direction too. Am I going to mess my face up getting punched in the face? You’re crazy [laughs]. In my opinion, I don’t think [she fights again]. If she comes back, of course she can [win the title.] She was always a fighter, but if I were her, I wouldn’t come back.”
”I see this as Gina’s situation. Gina was a great fighter and went her way to become an actress after she lost to Cyborg, and she’s getting more attention than if she was still fighting. No diet, not getting punched in the face, nothing.”
Foto: Patrick Jenkinson