I sin senaste match var Johny Hendricks (15-2) en hårsmån från att bli krönt till welterviktsmästare, men domslutet gick mot honom. Men insatsen var tillräckligt imponerande för att han i vakuumet efter forne welterviktsästaren Georges St-Pierre skulle få ytterligare en chans att knipa titeln.
Inför den kommande titelmatchen mot Robbie Lawler (22-9), som kommer att äga rum på UFC 171, berättar Hendricks bland annat hur han ser på sig själv som fighter och om hans kommande motståndare.
”I see myself as a power puncher, but for some reason I can never tell myself that I’m one of the elite. Does that make sense? I’ll downplay myself before I compliment myself. I know [Lawler] is very talented. I know he has some power in his hands, and that’s what makes this fight exciting. Who is going to touch who and who is going to counter the other’s power? That’s what we have figure out. I’m happy to have coaches I have on my side, and they are already figuring out great ways we can win this fight. And we’ll move forward from there. I’m hungry for every fight I go into. Every fight I go in thinking I’m 0-0 and I’m fighting for my livelihood. We are very blessed to be in the organization like the UFC. I want to make sure I do everything I can and lay it all on the line in each fight-not only to make the fans happy-but to make sure the Fertitta brothers and Mr. White are happy with me. That’s my goal. If I can keep everybody happy, I’m doing my job. Not only is my job to put on a good show, but to win fights in the process. That’s what I strive for. I can’t wait for this fight. I’m super-excited. I just start laughing and smiling when I think about fighting in Texas. And it’s even better because it will be for a belt. I’m super-appreciative and very excited to have this opportunity, säger Hendricks till Bleacher Report.
UFC 171: Hendricks vs Lawler går av stapeln den 15 mars på American Airlines Arena i Dallas, Texas.