För er som missat Joe Rogan när han snackar om James Toney och Brock Lesnar mfl. måste verkligen kolla in den här videon! Det är en hel del riktigt bra åsikter som kommer fram. Givetvis inlindade i ett stort paket humor. Det är ju ändå Joe Rogan…
Vad sägs om:
…he’s delusional and he doesnt understand what he is talking about, or he is just a guy who is looking for money. Either one is not good.
If we didn’t live in this civilizxed culture, thousands of year ago everyone Brock Lesnar fought would be chained up in his yard.
If Gabriel Gonzaga gets a piece of hm, he may just stat pulling pieces off.
It actuall says KILL EM ALL on his lower back, like a tramp stamp,. Whoa, who is that there for? He is a scary dude.