På lördag tar sig Cain Velasquez (13-1) an Fabricio Werdum (19-5-1-0) för att slåss om tungviktstiteln. Velasquez kommer tillbaka efter att ha varit skadad, men Velasquez coach Javier Mendes tror inte att någon kan stoppa Velasquez.
Mendes förklarar att Velasquez är ganska tyst av sig och inte ofta pratar om hur han känner, men Mendes har pratat med Velasquez som är väldigt ivrig att vara i oktagonen igen.
”The thing with Cain, is that he’s very quiet. He doesn’t tell you how he feels, you got to bring it out of him. I’ve had little chats with him about it, telling him, ’It’s got to burn you up wanting to get back in there.’ And he says, ’Yeah, it does.’ He is not vocal about it, but it definitely hurts him. He wants to be out there fighting because he loves to compete. He loves to win. So, as long as the desire to compete and win is in him, that guy is going to beat up everybody.”
Mendes menar att det inte finns någon fighter som klarar av trycket som Velasquez sätter på sina motståndare och att det inte bådar gott för Werdum som inte kunde submitta Mark Hunt (10-10-1-0) .
”Well, by saying zero chance, it’s not really an actual statement. A true statement is to say he has little chance. The bottom line is, when I reviewed the Mark Hunt fight, Mark Hunt was beating him in the stand up. First round, thrashing him somewhat on the ground. He didn’t submit Mark Hunt. Is Mark Hunt some great jiu-jitsu God? No. So why was Mark Hunt able to do what he was able to do with him? Because Mark Hunt is a tough fighter. And Cain is above that, as far as the grappling area. And the arsenal that Cain has is by far higher than just about anybody in the division. On top of the fact that nobody can deal with the pressure that Cain puts on everybody. Nobody can. Even when I have him go light five rounds, they can’t handle it. The guys, after two rounds, are huffing and puffing like ’Son of a bitch, get this guy off of me.’ And we’re talking light, we’re not talking all out. So how are you going to deal with that in a real fight? Here is this guy who is going to to continue, that’s his game. And I’ve told him, we are going to continue to pressure until we can find someone that can stop it. Until then, we’re not changing. Right now, there is nobody out there that can stop that pressure.”