Holly Holm (9-0) besegrade Marion Reneau (6-2) via enhälligt domslut på UFC Fight Night 71 och nu delar hon med sig om sina tankar kring Jon Jones.
Holm gjorde sin UFC-debut mot Raquel Pennington (5-5) där hon vann via enhälligt domslut, men Holm kritiserades för sin insats.
”I knew that there was no way to live up to what everybody was expecting,” sa Holm. ”There’s a lot of criticism in this job and what we do. It’s in front of everybody and for everybody to have their own opinion about what we do. Don’t be in this position if you can’t handle that criticism.”
Holm är väldigt stöttande då det gäller Jones och menar att han har ett gott hjärta och alltid försöker att hjälpa fighters i gymmet.
”I think Jon’s always been a really supportive teammate,” sa Holm. ”He’s really put himself available since then. He’s always been helpful. We don’t train at the exact same hour. They finish right when we start and a lot of times he’ll stay and watch the lightweights and he’s said before ’this is the pay-per-view right here, I just watch this.’
”It doesn’t matter who it is, he’ll go up and say ’hey you should try this, I think this will work for your style.’ Jon’s always a personable person and he’s always pretty positive and he’s got a great heart on him. Any time anybody gets to know him they really want the best for him.”
”He has helped out a lot with my camp. I’ve been very positive,” sa Holm. ”We’re all positive about it. We all want great things for him.”