Glover Teixeira var så sugen på match att han accepterade matchen på kvällens UFC on FOX 19 i Tampa utan att veta vem som skulle bli hans motståndare.
Det börjar närma sig ett halvår sedan Glover Teixeira (24-4) gick sin senaste match och han har länge varit sugen på match och blivit frustrerad av att inte ha blivit bokad till någon match, så frustrerad att han accepterade matchen mot Rashad Evans (19-4-1) utan att veta att det var just han som han ska möta. Detta säger han till
”To be facing Rashad Evans is a great opportunity since he is a well-known fighter. Plus, I needed to be fighting again. I didn’t get hurt against Pat Cummins, so I was anxious to get back.”
När han fick veta att han ska möta just Evans så var hans svar samma som tidigare.
”Nothing was booked for some time. I was feeling a bit frustrated. Suddenly, I received a call to fight on April 16, and I immediately said yes. I didn’t even ask who the opponent might be. Later, when I found out it was Rashad, my answer was still the same.”
Det har varit osäkert vem som kommer att få chansen att slåss om titeln men det är inget som Teixeira tänker på för just nu är hans fokus endast på att vinna mot Evans.
”Recently, there was some confusion about who was next to fight for the belt. But I don’t worry about that. Right now I’m only concerned about Rashad. After I beat him, I’ll think about how to further improve my situation in the UFC so I can fight for the belt again.”
Om hur matchen kommer att gå till är inget som Teixeira bryr sig om.
”For me, it doesn’t matter,” he said. “I like to dominate my fights and not leave it to the judges. But the flipside of that is that Rashad is very tough and experienced. So I have to keep calm and do what’s needed to be victorious.”
”I expect to have a great victory, a beautiful fight. I take one step at a time. I can’t get ahead of myself. I want to do the right things at the right time. I think he matches up very well with my style. It will be an exciting bout for our fans.”
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