Floyd Mayweather fortsätter att göra allt i sin makt för att pressa Conor McGregor.
“I don’t want to hear no more excuses about the money, about the UFC. Sign the paper with the UFC so you can fight me in June,” säger han.
Boxningsstjärnan Floyd Mayweather (49-0 boxning) och UFC-mästaren Conor McGregor (21-3 MMA) har länge varit tydliga med sin vilja att mötas i en superfight. För McGregors del finns det dock en del hinder, inte minst hans nuvarande kontrakt med UFC där han har fyra matcher kvar.
Under gårdagen gick Mayweather hårt ut mot ”The Notorious”, som han menar är ”full av skit”. Nu uppger 40-åringen att han officiellt går ur sin pension – och uppmanar McGregor att skriva på för en match i juni.
Detta hade Mayweather att säga (via FightHype):
“When I faced Arturo Gatti, I went to his turf. He was the A side, I was the B side. I beat him, I didn’t cry, I didn’t complain. When I faced Oscar De La Hoya, he was the A side, I was the B side. I didn’t cry, I didn’t complain, I beat him and I became the A side. For Conor McGregor, I’m coming out of retirement, just to fight Conor McGregor.
I don’t want to hear no more excuses about the money, about the UFC. Sign the paper with the UFC so you can fight me in June. Simple and plain. Let’s fight in June. You’re the B side, I’m the A side. We’re not here to cry about money. I’m tired of all this crying about money and talking about you want to fight. You blowing smoke up everybody’s ass. If you want to fight, sign the paperwork, let’s do it.
Today, I’m officially out of retirement for Conor McGregor. We don’t need to waste no time. We need to make this shit happen quickly. Let’s get it on in June.”
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