Drew Dober (16-7) besegrade Scott Holtzman (8-1) på UFC 195 och Dober har en motståndare i sikte.
Dober förklarar att han vann tack vare hans nya tränings camp på Team Elevation.
“It’s one small step,” sa Dober.“We got to keep moving forward. We’ve had some ups and down, and either you win or you learn. I’ve had a lot of learning experiences.”
“Team Elevation, we have the complete package,” sa Dober. “We have teammates, we have coaches, we have training environment, and MusclePharm provides up with what we need as far as recovery and a facility. We have to make use of the resources we have.”
Dober vill väldigt gärna ha en rematch mot Leandro Silva (19-3-1), då deras första möte slutade i en vinst för Silva som senare blev en No-Contest då domaren hade begått ett misstag.
”I’ll go back to square one, get another fight, and fix the mistakes (I made),” sa Dober. “There’s a controversial no-contest I would like to get back, and I would like to fight Leandro Silva again. So that way that no-contest and one of his most recent wins – I think I can get two losses, or my 2015 back.”
Foto: Per Häljestam