Den forne bantamviktsmästaren Dominick Cruz som har haft en rad av knäskador de tre senaste åren har råkat ut för ytterligare en.
Han la upp detta meddelande på sin Facebook-sida:
”It is with great sadness to report I have experienced another ACL injury. This time it’s in the right knee, opposite side of my first and second ACL injuries. Leading up to my last fight in September and after, I have practiced a very careful and methodical training and diet regime to keep my body healthy. Unfortunately, this is beyond my understanding and control. I don’t have a timetable for my return but trust and know I will pour my heart and soul into returning to the Octagon. I want to thank the UFC, my fans and my sponsors ahead of time for your support and prayers. I appreciate you more than you could understand. I don’t have any other facts to share right now. I, along with my camp, respectfully request privacy at this difficult time. Thank You.”
Cruz, som förlorade sin UFC-titel som en följd av alla skador, knockade Takeya Mizugaki på bara 61 sekunder i sin comeback på UFC 178 och hade vunnit tillbaka chansen på UFC-guld mot TJ Dillashaw.