Dominick Cruz (21-1) kommer att försvara sin bantamviktstitel mot Urijah Faber (33-8) på UFC 199, men förklarar varför han skulle vara öppen för en superfight mot flugviktsmästaren Demetrious Johnson (24-2-1).
Flugviktsdivisionen har haft svårt att få fram nya titelutmanare åt Johnson, som nu har försvarat sin titel åtta gånger. Johnson har tidigare sagt att han skulle vara intresserad av att möta bantamviktsmästaren Cruz. Cruz förklarar att om tillräckligt många fans är intresserad av att se en superfight mellan honom och Johnson, är han villig att möta Johnson.
Cruz berättar också att Johnson har en fördel i flugviktsdivisonen, där han får möta fighters i hans storlek, men att det kommer bli helt annorlunda om Johnson går upp till bantamvikt.
”Superfights are at their highest demand right now. People want to see them. People like them. And if that’s what the fans want to see, and that’s what the people are going to buy, throw us on a pay-per-view. If a million people want to see that fight, and we sell it, maybe that can be the first time DJ has some of the best sales he’s ever had in his career because people want to see him fight me. I’m not opposed to it. If you look at him at 135 pounds, he was beating a lot of people, but there was always a size advantage that gave him trouble that he had to work around. At 125, he has nothing to work around. These guys are his size, they’re his height, and he can use his fundamentals, his technique, and his speed at their fullest potential because of that. When he comes up to 135, things are different. I mean, he lost to me. He lost to Brad Pickett. That’s because of size advantages, and then technique on top of that. So he is good. He’s the best flyweight ever. I agree with that. But, when you’re coming up to 135 pounds, that’s my division. Period.”
Foto: Vince