Under en staredown igår mellan Conor McGregor (19-2) och Nate Diaz (18-10) inför UFC 196, slog McGregor undan Diaz hand med ett slag och nu kommenterar McGregor och Diaz händelsen.
McGregor berättar att Diaz var för rädd för att titta McGregor i ögonen och förklarar att Diaz vrist aldrig kommer att bli så som förut, medan Diaz inte verkade bry sig så mycket om slaget.
”The man was afraid to look me dead in the eye,” sa McGregor. ”So he put a frame out in front of him and I quickly snatched it and broke his wrist.”
”Yeah, you got a scared little fucking shot on the hand and [expletive],” sa Diaz.
”The medics are in with him now,” sa McGregor. ”His wrist will never be the same. Like his bum knee, like his bum leg.”
McGregor fortsatte med att förklara att han tjänar mer än vad Diaz gör och Diaz svarade med att ’rich kids’ inte borde slåss, utan riktigt människor slåss.
”My socks cost more than the whole suit you have on, you little bum,”sa han. ”I could buy and sell you a hundred times.”
”You’re a rich kid,” sa Diaz. ”Rich kids shouldn’t fight ever. Real people fight. Real people fight. Not fucking rich kids. You were born rich.”
”Fuck you, you don’t know me,” sa McGregor. ”You don’t know where the fuck I came from. I’ll ride into Stockton and take everyone out. Bunch of snitches in Stockton. I never heard of Stockton in my life.”
Efter det fick båda fighters förutspå hur matchen kommer att sluta.
”If he’s still conscious when he hits the mat I will crush his hips and pass his guard and mount him and strangle him,” sa McGregor.
”You got choked out by two nobodies,” sa Diaz om McGregors två submission-förluster. ”You were submitted by lames not even that long ago, it was like a week ago.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian