Chris Weidman anser att hans nästa motståndare Luke Rockhold skrivit på en match han inte kan vinna.
UFCs mellanviktsmästare Chris Weidman kommer att möta Luke Rockhold på UFC 194. Weidman har inte mycket positivt att säga om sin motståndare utan anser att Rockhold är för osäker:
”I’m excited to go out there and just really run through Luke. I just really cannot imagine myself losing to him. I know he’ll talk the same way, but I think he’s just kind of faking it. I don’t think he really believes he can beat me, but he knows what to say.”
”These guys know in the weight (class), I think they’re starting to get it. And he’s one of the guys who knows. I think he’s a little insecure about himself, and I feel like that’s why he has to pump his chest up all the time and go a little overboard. I think he’s just insecure and I think he knows what’s coming. I think he’d much rather be fighting anyone else besides me.”
UFC 194 kommer att äga rum 12 december i Las Vegas.
Foto: Mazdak Cavian