Brock Lesnar hyllas ofta för sin brottning som många tror blir nyckeln om han ska lyckas besegra Mark Hunt på UFC 200. Enligt Chael Sonnen är Lesnars förmågor som brottare däremot något överskattade.
Skillnaden på en bra brottare och en effektiv brottare
Om Brock Lesnar (5-3) ska ha en chans mot Mark Hunt (12-10-1) i medhuvudmatchen på helgens UFC 200 är de flesta överens om att han måste ta ner ”The Super Samoan.” En som tror han får svårare med det än många kan tro är Chael Sonnen (28-14), en framgångsrik brottare i sin egen rätt.
Sonnen förklarade sina tankar kring Lesnars brottning i en intervju med Submission Radio, där han trots WWE-stjärnans flertaliga nationella titlar påstod att han inte var särkilt bra trots allt:
”He wasn’t a really good wrestler, he was an effective wrestler. I’ll put this in perspective for you. In the NCAA when he won his national title, he was 265 pounds, which was the limit. In the finals, he had a guy that was 220 pounds and he had to go into double overtime with him. There’s not very many wrestlers alive, if any, that if they had a forty-five-pound weight advantage couldn’t put that guy away in about thirty seconds. So he was an effective wrestler, but you know, he had some size and he had a lot of other things to help him get his hand raised. It wasn’t skill and technique. He kept good position, he was a good competitor and he achieved some really great things.”
Svårare än man tror att ta ner Mark Hunt
Med andra ord kommer det vara svårare än vad många tror för Lesnar att ta ner Mark Hunt, som för övrigt har ett par andra fördelar att luta sig mot. Bland annat att han varit aktiv under de fem åren som Lesnar varit borta från sporten.
So I don’t think that a guy as short as Hunt is just gonna get bum-rushed and taken down. You gotta understand, Brock hasn’t been in the ring in five years, Hunt was the number one contender within the last calendar year. So no, you don’t have to be exactly an MMA expert to be able to see how this fight goes. Hunt’s gonna wreck him. But Brock’s still stepping in there, and he’s a once-in-a-lifetime attraction. If Brock’s fighting, you don’t want to miss it. And this truly will be his last fight. Anytime there’s speculation ”is this gonna be the guy’s last fight?” that helps to draw, that helps make you go ”I don’t wanna miss it”. For sure this is Brock’s last fight. So yeah man, people want to see it. I’m one of those people.”