Leslie Smith (8-7-1) var väldigt arg över att domaren stoppade matchen mellan Smith och Cristiane ’Cyborg’ Justino (16-1-1) på UFC 198. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1) delar nu med sig av sina tankar kring stoppet.
’Cyborg’ besegrade Smith via TKO efter 81 sekunder i första ronden. Sonnen håller med Smith om att stoppet var för tidigt och förklarar att om en fighter blir nedslagen, men fortfarande rör sig och försvarar sig så är det fel att stoppa matchen.
”This was no fault of the competitors, they went and did their job, but the referee did what we call an early stoppage. There was no historical, justifiable, reputable placement for this referee to place his decision. And outside of us commenting on it on SportsCenter, there will be no form of discipline done so we might as well not even talk about. He will be back in the ring next wee with no explanation given. And that’s just the reality. This was terrible I am upset about this. They came to fight, one girl went down and she never stopped moving. The rule book says she has to stop moving or be in danger and the referee stopped it. They might as well go and break you and I up right now. It was that ridiculous.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian