UFC har en tendens att köpa upp sina stora konkurrenter. De har bland annat köpt och lagt ner Pride, Strikeforce och WEC under de senaste sju åren, men har nu i efterhand sagt att det kommer att vänta med att köpa upp flera organisationer. En konkurrent till UFC som snabbt börjar komma på frammars sedan Strikeforce tappat mark har varit Bellator med deras VD Bjorn Rebney. Så när Rebney fick frågan om de någonsin skulle vara villiga att sälja organisationen till UFC så var svaret väldigt klart.
”No. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t in a million years,” säger Rebney till Fighthub. ”Look, my dad used to always tell me and says it to this day. If you could ever get payed to do whatever you used to pay to do – You’ve won.
En av anledningarna till det självklara svaret för Rebney kan vara på grund av den stora finansiella backningen de har på grund av deras ägare Viacom, som är en av världens största media-bolag. Skulle de plötsligt dra sig ur kanske det hela är en helt annan historia, men fram tills dess är svaret till UFC eller någon annan förmodligen fortfarande nej. Dessutom verkar Rebney trivas bra i sin position som VD.
”I’ll call [my dad], and I’ll talk to him twice a day. And I’ll be like ’Oh, I’m working so hard, I’m so tired and bla bla bla.’ And he is like ’Dude, You are getting payed what you used to pay to do. You used to buy pay-per-views, you used to buy tickets to see these events. And it’s like a cold hard realization. It’s like, how many people on earth get to be payed to do something that if this wasn’t my job I would do this for fun. I get to sit cage side and watch some of the greatest mixed martial arts in the world. I get to executive produce a TV-show on Spike Network.
”I’m blessed man, I wrote the book. I mean I can’t conceptualize what I would do if I wouldn’t do this. And I’m getting payed to do it. Don’t say anything to Viacom, or Spike, or my investment group, but I would do this for free. You know what I mean? So no, I can’t conceptualize it. I never got in to this with an exit strategy in mind. I never got into this thinking that I could build this and sell it. I always got in to this thinking ’Ooh, how cool would it be if I could be the CEO of a Mixed Martial Arts organization on television. That would be bitching beyond my wildest dreams.’ And it actually happened. So I never even think about that. Because I would be like now what would I do? Work out a lot and hang out with my dog?”