Bellators welterviktsmästare Ben Askren (12-0) står i dagsläget utan något kontrakt och mycket tyder på att han kan vara på väg till UFC. Av denna anledning har Askrens och Georges St-Pierres namn nämnts i samma mening allt oftare då det skulle kunna vara ett möte mellan Bellators mästare och UFC:s regerande mästare.
I intervjun nedan kommer St-Pierres rykte som brottare på tal och Asken har en klar och tydlig åsikt i denna fråga.
”The notion that he’s the best wrestler is insane to me. He’s got a great double leg and good timing, but just watching him, you see a lot of areas he’s just not a natural wrestler. He doesn’t flow as well as other wrestlers. If Johny Hendricks is training his wrestling, which that’s a mistake that a lot of wrestlers make is they get out of it and they think they got to get better at striking and jiu jitsu and they totally forget about their wrestling. I did that for a couple of months earlier in my career and I learned. But they totally step away from wrestling and they get so rusty and they lose a lot of those battles. If Johny Hendricks is staying on point and getting some wrestling in, which hopefully he’s smart enough to do, he’ll definitely outwrestle Georges St. Pierre.
I’d go right for Georges St. Pierre. I don’t think there’s a real clear cut challenger after Hendricks. Maybe Hendricks gets hurt and I fight him right away. But there’s no clear cut challenger that Georges St. Pierre hasn’t already beat at 170, so I don’t see why I can’t just jump in there and beat somebody up.”
Askren har stått som segrare i första divisionen i NCAA vid två tillfällen och att han har varit en del av den olympiska truppen i brottning under OS 2008.