While I know the moment you click on an article that I wrote, you the readers stomachs drop because you know you’ll have to invest a whole lot of time since my articles are usually ten pages long. This time, or at least this one, is going to be quick.
So, starting with that theme. Two things I’d like opinions on or to give my opinions of are this.
Should Robbie Lawler be pissed since he’s been delivering amazing fights and knockouts or as long as he’s been fighting but he’s never hyped a fight or himself. He himself has grown in his ability to talk with others (media wise) but Rory still has the personality of a sleeping panda bear. So, perhaps the last thing Robbie has to learn as a fighter is how to sell the fight. Because that guy always delivers.
Also, people can love or hate Conor McGregor just like they do Floyd Mayweather, but word around the campfire is that guy might be collecting around 5-6 million between disclosed and undisclosed cash money for this fight. Once one fighter starts making money like that it’s only a matter of time until other fighters start making more.
This has pros and cons.
- They live a better life.
- They fight once a year instead of 4 of 5 times. The very thing that makes them great or different is also what makes us hate them down the road.
Side note.
In America we have automatic shut offs on cars. If you go to fast, the car puts itself in neutral to make you slow down.
Mazdak just found that out.