Aljamain Sterling har för tillfället inget UFC-kontrakt. Han blev erbjuden ett nytt som gjorde honom besviken och han beskriver nu varför.
Aljamain Sterling har sedan sin senaste match inte längre ett UFC-kontrakt. Han är rankad på femte plats bland UFCs bantamviktsmästare. UFC erbjöd honom ett nytt kontrakt som han nu berättar att han skrattade åt:
”Well normally I wouldn’t do this, but the contract was so low it’s kind of laughable in my opinion, so I don’t have a problem mentioning the numbers. For the last contract, before the fight, I want to say it was maybe a week, week and a half before the fight and they offered me 20 and 20, with three grand increase up until a title fight and then it was supposed to be a bigger jump. But even the bigger jump was just like ‘dude, what?’ I don’t know I was just kind of scratching my head, like are you guys serious? I just beat a top ten guy, Mizugaki, who’s been around forever, on FOX, and I finished him.”
Sterling är tydlig med att det är den låga lönen som är problemet:
”I just couldn’t make any sense out of that and was like man, are they really trying to lowball me or thing I’m just anyone of these guys who’s just going to jump at the opportunity and say ‘hey hey yeah that sounds like a good idea, that sounds great for my future. I have great belief in myself and my abilities and what I can bring to the table, but, 20 and 20 is not enough for a guy who’s ranked top five. I don’t care if it’s a lighter weight class, there’s no way in hell anyone should think that’s OK.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian