Tungviktare Dada 5000 säger att han blev förgiftad inför matchen mot den nu avlidne Kimbo Slice i februari.
Efter matchen mot avlidne Kevin ”Kimbo Slice” Ferguson den 19 februari i år höll Dhafir ”Dada 5000″ Harris på att dö då hjärtat stannade och att han drabbades av uttorkning och njursvikt. Nu påstår han på ”Go 4 It Show” att han blev förgiftad innan matchen. Han menar att han det var något fel på vattnet.
”Man listen I’m not insinuating. Something in the water was definitely not clean. I came there to compete. Kimbo’s been there before. This is my first time being on the level of that magnitude, right? But I had been on various other levels. I already was prominent, I already was a figure, already was known to millions of individuals worldwide prior to me coming to Bellator right? I took on certain things and they seen that there was no fear inside me, and all I’m saying is what happened to me. Who did it? That remains to be seen.”
”For me to pass a drug test, they took urine and so forth from me 30 minutes before I went out in the fight. They came back and said it was good. They also did the same thing to Kimbo Slice. So at the end of the day if they came back and told me I was good, I’m pretty sure they told him something else. But that remains to be something that production has to deal with because I do understand that the fight was that big.”
Han misstänker någon form av konspiration. Han tror att han blev förgiftad så att Kimbo Slice skulle köra över honom i matchen.
”You know I really feel like it was designed for Kimbo Slice to come out on steroids and just destroy me in front of the world, and make me and the backyard movement look like a laughing joke. It didn’t look like that. I still lasted to the third round.”
Den hypade matchen blev verkligen inte en match som alla hoppades på då deras energi tog slut mycket snabbt. I den tredje ronden så slog de mot varandra varav många av dem missade totalt.
”You’ve got the skills, you had the technique, you had the experience. Your hands were supposed to be legitimately better than mine. I was willing to come out and duke it out with that dude. I didn’t take him to the ground. When we went to the ground he took ME to the ground, but he’s the boxing beast. I was willing to get out there and trade hands with you, but when I rushed him back to the cage, survival mode kicked in.”