Ken Shamrock och Kimbo Slice kommer att mötas på Bellator 138. Inför matchen har de båda blivit intervjuade och gett sina synpunkter på prestationshöjande preparat. Det visar sig att de båda har en liberal syn på dopingpreparat.
Ken Shamrock (28-15-2) och Kimbo Slice (4-2) kommer att mötas nästa helg på Bellator 138. Efter att Shamrock la upp en bild på twitter så började det dyka upp anklagelser om doping.
I en intervju går Shamrock ut med att han skulle vilja ha dopingpreparat tillåtet men reglerat:
”The best way that I could describe this is like putting gas into a race car that’s regular gas. It’s not gonna perform to its maximum level, because of all the pressure you’re putting on the engine and pistons, the carburetor and the gas lines and everything that goes into making that thing go fast and perform at a high level. Those things would blow up and blow out if they don’t have what they need to push that big strong engine. And the body is the same way where you’re constantly pushing it beyond the normal level of a human being.”
Kimbo anser med att en fighter utsätter sin kropp för mer än vad en vanlig person gör och därmed behöver preparat för att kunna hålla igång:
It’s not average to take your body through two or three hours of training, beating, banging, punching, weights. Eating different, sleeping shorter, waking up to compete. Your body goes through some shit. The ligaments, the bones, the tendinitis. That’s some brutal shit the body has to go through. The commissions, we should allow everything to be under control at a certain level to keep the sport good, to keep the fans wanting to see their favorites and paying millions of dollars. Yeah, fuck yeah. I’m all for that.”
Kimbo hävdar trots sin positiva inställning att han själv aldrig använt några dopingklassade preparat:
”No, I was always afraid. ”I have high blood pressure, my mom is a diabetic, my dad is a diabetic. I just had natural energy for days. I felt like if I would have took anything it would have f*cked with me. I would have been crazier. Could you imagine if I got on cocaine? Sh*t, if I got on cocaine I’d be a maniac, man. The only thing I could do is fucking smoke weed. I could smoke weed, I could drink a little liquor. At times, drinking what I used to, I thought I was invincible. So any other drug, they would have to put me in a f*cking straitjacket and lock me up. I don’t even drink no more, I don’t smoke no more. I try to be as clean as I can be now. I’m a natural maniac with a switch and I can control myself. I like it that way.”
Shamrock anser att ansvaret borde ligga på fighters att anlita doktorer som kan hjälpa dem med att använda preparaten för att inte förstöra hälsan:
”I believe it should be left up to the responsibility of the fighters to get a doctor. That puts you under a doctor’s care. The doctor is responsible for having you at a regulated level like they test now for levels. Have you at a regulated level, at a safe level that whoever does the testing can deem safe for everybody. Doctors are responsible for athletes being at a certain level, it takes the pressure off the commission, takes the pressure off the organization. The responsibility lies upon the fighter and the doctor to be on the levels they need to be. And all the commission has to do is test them and make sure they’re at the levels they need to be.”