Det är inte den första incidenten denna vecka där någon typ av kampsportsutövare neutraliserar en annan aggressiv/full kille. Sist så var det dock knytnävar som behövde användas då klänningarna killarna bar kanske inte riktigt var anpassade till att rulla med. Den här gången var herren vid namnet John lite mer anpassad för det. I videon ovan har vi en väldigt aggressiv herre som gick runt och hotade alla människor han fick syn på. John upptäckte att han var ett hot och potentiellt kunde ge sig på andra människor som inte kan försvara sig. John tar således saken i egna händer och visar vad som händer om man går omkring utan tröja på stan.
Hans egna ord om händelsen är efter hoppet där han ger en mycket läsvärd förklaring.
Walking from a gas station back to my truck a very angry shirtless individual starts screaming and yelling at everyone. My initial reaction is not fear for myself but rather for the people around who he could potentially injure. My comments were non aggressive and non-threatening however he proceeded to attack me. I am purple belt level in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and although he was much bigger than me I was able to safely close the distance and take him down. After achieving a dominant top mount he rolled over and that is when I used a rear naked choke. This choke completely cuts blood flow to the brain and it was not long until he was still.
If my intentions were to brag I would have playing Mama said knock you out. I believe this video is very educational, showing an art form that has the greatest scientific methods of self defense as it is one of the most effortless ways to achieve complete control without anyone getting hurt. To elaborate I elected not to hurt this person during times where he was vulnerable such as my top mount and of course while he was unconscious where I can do anything. I am free from having to worry about legal troubles as BJJ uses controlling techniques that don’t batter and bruise someone, rather put them into submission where the outcome is entirely in your favor from every point of view. I was able to defend myself without sacrifice. I found out later when police showed up that he was already in trouble for assault. They encouraged me to press charges but I decided not to.
Civilkurage i sitt esse skulle jag vilja påstå.