UFC-veteranen Donald ”Cowboy” Cerrone gick fem ronder mot Leon Edwards när de båda toppwelterviktarna gjorde upp i helgens huvudmatch på UFC Singapore. Matchen slutade i ett enhälligt domslut i Edwards favör – hans sjätte raka seger i UFC:s welterviktsdivision.
Läs mer: Leon Edwards besegrar ”Cowboy” efter fem ronders krig
Nu avslöjar Cerrone i en intervju med MMAFighting att han var nära på att ställa in helgens möte med Edwards.
“This is the first time in my career that I’ve ever almost called Dana White and said, ‘I’m not coming to work today. And then I looked at myself in the mirror and said, ‘Man, you’re not that guy. Just go.’ But that had nothing to do with the way I fought. I’m proud of myself actually for getting in there and fighting, so I’m happy, I don’t have any remorse. I don’t think I lost any stock, so all good,” säger Cerrone.
Anledningen? ”Cowboy” berättar att han var hemskt illamående på morgonen inför matchen, och knappt kunde ta sig ur sängen.
“I was just sick, throwing up, just feeling… I couldn’t get out of bed, man.I was just feeling like shit all morning, all day. I just wasn’t feeling like showing up to work is what I was feeling.”
35-åringen har inte heller, trots ett matchfacit på 1-4 på sina fem senaste matcher, några planer på att gå i pension ännu.
”The passion I have out there I love it to the core, this is what I enjoy doing, man. If tonight was my last fight, I’d be upset, but I’m going to go until the UFC says, ‘‘Cowboy’ enough, enough, enough,’” säger Cerrone.
“I’m getting old in this sport and I love every minute of it, man. But maybe the new kids are coming, maybe they’re not, I don’t know, but there are sure tough guys out there. There’s not enough people like me that give those guys a chance, so I’m glad I can be the guy that’s in there and I’ll fight any of you guys,” fortsätter han.