Matt ”The Immortal” Brown gästade Joe Rogans JRE MMA Show under veckan och pratade då om hur upprörd han var på rapstjärnan Snoop Dogg efter dennes kommentarer om Conor McGregor.
Brown, som tycker att McGregor är en riktig sportsman och en smart business man, tog illa vid sig över Snoops kommentarer om McGregor efter matchen mot Mayweather.
“Snoop Dogg, that piece of s**t” sa Brown. “I’ll call him out. He called out Conor. He called him a b**ch. That’s not cool, man. I don’t care [if he was intoxicated], he put it out in public. He could have apologized, deleted it, whatever. If I go to the UFC PI [UFC Performance Institute], I might just punch him if I see him there. I’m cool with that.”
Brown lär inte medverka på DWTNCS
Snoop kommenterar Dana White Tuesday Night Contender Series i något de kallar ”Snoopcast”, ett något mer casual sätt att kommentera MMA-matcher, vilket har lett till många kontroverser.
Förutom kommentarerna om McGregor, kallade han bland annat Daniel Cormier för en ”bitch” då han grät efter knockoutförlusten mot Jon Jones på UFC 214 i Anaheim i somras. Brown tycker att kommentatorer ska respektera de atleter de kommenterar.
“I’m just saying, that really offends me,” förklarade Brown “Conor, people all have their opinions about him, I respect the s**t out of that guy. I love what he’s done, I love his schtick. I think he’s a true sportsman. He comes into the limelight for a while and then he goes back, and I think he works his ass off. I really think he does. He wouldn’t be where he’s at if he didn’t, but everyone judges him by what he does out here.
“I would say also that [commentators] have no right to be saying things that they’ve never done. You don’t have to compete, [but if you train] you get such a more in-depth knowledge about what they’re truly going through and what’s happening by just experiencing it a little bit.”
Se hela avsnittet av JRE MMA Show nedan!