Ikväll gick den första presskonferensen inför Mayweather vs McGregor av stapeln i Los Angeles – och Conor McGregor gav sig på Mayweather direkt genom att dissa boxningslegendarens klädval. Dessutom uppgav han att han avsåg att avsluta Mayweather inom fyra ronder.
”He’s in a fucking tracksuit, he can’t even afford a suit anymore. He is fucked. There’s no way around it. I’m going to knock him inside four rounds – mark my words,” sade McGregor.
”As far as the fight goes, he will be unconcious out inside four rounds. The movement, the power, the ferociousness – he is not used to this. He’s been fighting opponents who have shied away from him.”
”He will be KO’d inside 4 rounds.” @TheNotoriousMMA #MayMacWorldTour pic.twitter.com/ioNK95EEEy
— UFC (@ufc) 11 juli 2017
McGregor fortsatte sedan att såga Mayweather för hans ovilja att gå en MMA-match mot honom:
”I’m a young confident happy man. Nobody can do anything to me. I can do whatever the fuck i want up here. This isnt a true fight. If this was a true fight it wouldnt even take one round,” sade McGregor.
”Floyd has a problem he doesn’t want to deal with and he wants me to come over to his side, that’s no problem, i’ll do that. That’s confidence.”
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