Den 3 juni möttes brasilianaren Erick Silva och Yancy Medeiros under UFC 212 som hölls i Rio de Janeiro.
Matchen stoppades i andra ronden av domare Eduardo Herdy men enligt Silva så var det alldeles för tidigt och han valde att lämna en ansökan för att få domslutet överklagat.
Nu står det klart att The Brazilian MMA Athletic Commission (CABMMA) avslagit Silvas ansökan och matchen därmed fortsätter stå som en förlust för Silva som nu förlorat tre av sina fyra sista matcher.
Cristiano Sampaio, huvudchefen för CABMMA, valde att kommentera saken för MMA Fighting:
The allegations contained in his appeal do not fall in (i) or (ii), and moreover are not within the scope of (iii) above, since the appeal is not based on a misinterpretation of the rules and, but rather on a judgment call of a trained and experienced referee based on Erick Silva’s TKO due to Mr. Yancy Medeiro’s legal strikes, confirmed by Mr. Eduardo Herdy. Important to point out that it was the knock down taken by Erick and a few landed punches right after the knock down, with no proper defense, which led the referee to interrupt the bout.
If we start reviewing what is considered early stoppages due to KO/TKO, the next big thing will be reviewing scores from judges. It will be a never ending discussion.
And therefore there were no precedents found of overturned results due to KO/TKO in any bout or event sanctioned by commissions members of the ABC, which CABMMA is also a member of.
Vill du se en returmatch mellan Medeiros och Silva?