Enligt UFC-presidenten Dana White kommer Conor McGregor att kunna kamma hem så mycket som 75 miljoner dollar (ca 673 miljoner kronor) vid en superfight i boxning mot Floyd Mayweather, Jr:
”If the fight sells as well as I think it can, Conor makes $75 million”, säger White.
Enligt Dana White kan en match mellan Conor McGregor och Floyd Mayweather bli klar inom några veckor. UFC-presidenten medverkade på onsdagens avsnitt av The Herd, där han uppgav att han planerade att göra klart en deal med McGregor under veckan för att sedan rikta siktet mot förhandlingar med Mayweather.
“I think we get the McGregor side in the next couple of days,” säger White. “And then I go lock myself in a room for a couple days with Team Mayweather and see what we can come out with.”
White svarade också på frågan om de förväntade lönerna för de båda slagskämparna:
“It depends on how much the fight sells,” säger White. “And if the fight sells as well as I think it can, Floyd makes a little north of $100 million and Conor makes $75 million.”
“He (Mayweather) feels like he’s the A-side and he should get more of it. We haven’t really gotten into that negotiation yet. I wanted to get McGregor locked in first, because McGregor is under contract with me. And at the end of the day, does this fight make a ton of sense for me? It really doesn’t. But Conor wants this thing really bad and I’ve said it many times, the kid’s stepped up and saved some big fights for me, man, so I’m in. I’ll figure it out.”
“Obviously, in boxing, you start to negotiate things like the gloves and the officials and the judges,” fortsätter White, “and how big the ring is — a lot of different things you can negotiate as far as the fight goes. But again, I haven’t gotten into a room with Team Mayweather yet, and who knows. The Conor side, we’re good on the Conor side. I need to figure out the Mayweather side, and maybe it can’t be figured out. Maybe the other side can’t be done, but we’ll see. I promised Conor I’d do everything I could to make this thing happen, so that’s what I’m going to do.”

”Kommer att vara en boxningsmatch”
Superstjärnan och lättviktsmästaren Conor McGregor (21-3 MMA) har varit ute efter att göra upp med obesegrade boxaren Floyd Mayweather, Jr (49-0 boxning) ett bra tag, och Mayweather meddelade i mars att han skulle återvända från pension för att möta irländaren.
Dana White uppger nu också att superfighten kommer att gå i boxning som förväntat:
“This is isn’t going to be UFC,” menar White. “It’s going to be a boxing match. It’s not going to have anything to do with the UFC. My brand, the closest thing my brand will be to this is obviously I’ll be a part of the promotion for the fight, and Conor’s my guy. That’s it.”
“Listen, one of the things that we’ve done and the reason we’ve built this brand the way that we have is, we always bring people the fights they want to see. There’s no doubt that people want to see this fight, and it’s all anybody ever asks me about, so I’m going to do my best to see if I can get this thing done. I’m not saying I can, but we’re trying to.”