Efter ett 18 månader långt uppehåll ska Pannie Kianzad äntligen göra comeback på fredag.
Det har gått ett och ett halvt år sedan Pannie Kianzads senaste match och MMA-karriärens första förlust. Nu på fredag på Invicta 21 kommer svenskan att göra comeback mot Raquel Pa’aluhi för att börja jobba sig tillbaka upp till en ny chans på mästaren Tonya Evinger.
Under en intervju med MMA Plus pratar svenskan om att förlusten inte bara var av ondo. Efter ett intensivt träningsschema i flera år var det först efter matchen mot Evinger som Kianzad fick möjlighet att åtgärda ett par skador.
“In the lead-up to my last fight I was at breaking point. My last break from training and competing came when when I was 18 years olds when I graduated thats was only for 2 months. In the lead up to my fight I felt like I shouldn’t go to Kansas. I couldn’t tell you what it was but I just felt wrong. I think it was good that it happened because if it didn’t happen I might not have had the chance to fix my back that went out shortly after the fight.”
Hon fortsätter med att säga att hon inte skulle ändra på händelseförloppet även om hon kunnat.
“I’ve been suffering back problems for years but I didn’t fix it because I thought fighters never stop, just keep on going. I’ve been involved in five fight camps with a bulging disc and after my fight I would lose feelings in my legs every time I sparred so me losing the fight, me doing everything wrong for that fight was exactly what I needed and I wouldn’t change how things turned out for anything.”
Nytt gym
Även om det var skönt med ett break blev det betydligt längre än vad Kianzad hade tänkt. Hon var egentligen schemalagd att göra comeback under 2016 men drabbades av en knäskada som inte bara fick henne att lämna återbud utan också fick henne att reflektera över om hon hade rätt människor omkring sig.
Skadan kom till på hennes gamla gym Rumble Sports där hon inte riktigt kände att hennes tränare, Tue Trnka, skapat en tillräckligt säker träningsmiljö för henne.
“You would think that you have good training partners and a coach that would that makes sure that nobody does anything dangerous in sparring which I thought I did. But this dude blew my knee out when he tried some scissors sweep technique in the 1st round of sparring. If you’ve been in the game for a longtime you know only idiots do that [skratt] so my knee blew out. For me at the time I felt ‘fuck’ and I felt like the other people on my team were like ‘thank God we don’t have to deal with her fights again’ which was very disappointing for me.”
Det hela har lett till att Kianzad, som bor i Helsingborg, hittat ett nytt gym i Köpenhamn, Arte Suave. Där har hon på nytt hittat kärleken för träningen och för sporten, och framför allt en plats där hon kan vara lycklig.
“I try to take a positive view on what happened because if my knee didn’t get injured I might have been stuck at a place where I wasn’t happy. I’m happy that things happened the way it happened. I’m happy I didn’t win the title fight, I’m happy that call to the UFC didn’t happen, I’m even pretty happy that I blew out my knee [skratt] because on the whole I’m in a totally better place now, I’m totally rested and healed up now and I was able to do my camp with any problems with my back or anything else.”
På det nya gymmet har träningen blivit mångsidigare. Hon tränar mer i en gi, vilket hon känner har gynnat på hela hennes arsenal.
“Since I’ve joined my new team I’ve fallen in love with training in a Gi and it has definitely helped round me out as a mixed martial artist. I feel me and Arte Suave are a perfect fit. Before I was only doing boxing and preparing for one specific person but now I working on all aspects of MMA despite training at a place that is predominantly a Jiu-Jitsu team I’ve also been doing a lot of Greco Roman Wrestling along with my striking, yes been doing a lot of everything during my time away from the cage.”
Siktar på avslut
Med skadorna läkta och bytet av gym ska Sveriges kanske bästa kvinnliga fighter starta om hennes karriär på fredag. Hon kommer då ta sig an en kvinna som klivit in i buren på ett par av världens bästa i viktklassen, bland annat UFC-mästarinnan Amanda Nunes.
“Raquel is a fight I’ve been looking forward to. I believe we were supposed to fight a while ago for the No.1 contender spot and I always knew when I joined Invicta that she should be a possible opponent. I think she’s a great fighter, I have nothing against her personally, I like her fighting style, I know she’s a really good wrestler so I love this match-up and I think we’re gonna be fight of the night definitely 100 percent.”
Kianzad är övertygad om att hon kommer sluta upp med segern. Hon planerar på att stoppa Pa’aluhi och framförallt på att njuta av tiden inne i buren.
“I think I will finish her. I don’t matter whether its standing or if it goes to the group I think I will get the finish. Failing that of course I think I will get the decision win which some people hate about me but I love having to dig deep and grind out wins. I just love the whole fighting experience and I feel whats the point of going through a fight camp, cutting all that weight to finish someone inside two-minutes [skratt] I’m planning on enjoying my time inside the cage.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian
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It's official,so I wish you a great fight & trust the winner will give me the opportunity you both have been given. @TWooodley @WonderboyMMA pic.twitter.com/gaxsa5pK8f
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Hmm … Varför nämnde du inte honom då en enda gång?
You are a classy dude and look forward to sharing the Octagon with you. For what it's worth I thought we should have been fighting now.
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I guess I'm out of a job 😕 https://t.co/BGZ2JY2YV2
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I love working with the best. It's humbling to have an opportunity to get better alongside friends and teammates like this. pic.twitter.com/zkbMO75yWo
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