Enligt Ben Saunders var det inte så att han fick kicken ur UFC utan istället tog hans kontrakt helt enkelt slut.
Igår kom nyheten att welterviktaren Ben Saunders (19-7-2) inte längre är under kontrakt med UFC, trots 3 vinster och en enda förlust under sitt nuvarande kontrakt. Nu har han gett sin version av det som ledde till detta på forumet UnderGround och det var helt enkelt så att hans kontrakt tog slut och och det tog för lång tid för honom att bli redo för att skriva nytt kontrakt. När han väl var redo så var det för sent och UFC hade gått vidare.
”Fixing all of these aspects of my personal life and my career was not an easy task, but once I finally felt confident and had my mind right again, it was unfortunately too late,” Saunders said. ”UFC had filled my spot on their limited roster, which I completely understood. Once again, they don’t know anything about any of this going on in my life, and I would imagine just considered my silence a form of resignation.”
Innan förlusten mot Patrick Cote (23-10) gick han igenom problem under sitt träningscamp och management och två dödsfall i familjen, vilket gjorde att han inte var i rätt sinnesstämning i matchen.
”Needless to say I was not in the right state of mind, and physically, and mentally had a too much going on, which I tried to fight through hoping it would help keep me sane and my emotions in check by staying busy. Combine that with the fact that I was on a 3 fight win streak and the pressures of trying to make the last fight on my contract a memorable one. It all just was an unfortunate cluster [expletive], with everyone and their mom, having different opinions and ideas of what should and should not happen. As stupid as it may sound, I felt lost and alone, which is an awful place to be in general, let alone while trying to compete at the highest level.”
Saunders var redo att hoppa in på UFC 202s matchkort och UFCs matchmaker Joe Silva tyckte att det var en bra idé. Men UFC och USADA ville, helt enligt regelboken, sätta honom i den fyra månader långa testtiden.
”I don’t know the logistics, or all the details exactly, but if it is a ruling to keep our sport clean and safe, then I respect the decision 100%. But once again I am just forced to deal with another ”Unfortunate Circumstance” in my life, and know that I need to not focus on what I can’t change or do, and just focus on what I can. Like the Dalai Lama says ”The meaning of Life is Happiness” and I believe that completely. So I am just gonna keep doing me no matter what struggles life may throw at me. Trying my best to do what makes me Happy in life.”
Men trots detta så är han redan bokad för en ny match, denna gång mot UFC-veteranen Jacob Volkmann (19-6) på Fight Night at The Island den nionde september i Minnesota. Han är redo.
”I don’t know what my future holds, but I do know and believe that when I am focused, and emotionally intact, in shape, and well prepared, I have the tools to beat anyone in the world at my weight class. I have a very unique and deadly skill set, that would give anyone in the top 10 fits with the right preparations.”
Foto: Jeff Bottari/Zuffa LLC/Zuffa LLC via Getty Images