Efter ett sparringpass fick Sage Northcutts pappa, tillika coach, kritik från thaiboxaren Ilya Grad. Nu svarar Northcutt den äldre på kritiken.
Ilya Grad (35-13 thaiboxning) sparrades nyligen med Sage Northcutt (7-1), inför dennes kommande match på UFC 200. Efteråt ventilerade han på Instagram, där han menade att Northcutts far var den värsta coachen han sett.
I en intervju med LowkickMMA hävdar fadern och coachen, Mark Northcutt, att Grad ljuger om allting.
“Everything that Ilya made in this post is completely untrue. From the first few seconds of sparring, Ilya is complaining about Sage the entire time saying “don’t hit so hard, tone it down” and Sage is maybe going 30% and not even throwing any kicks to speak of.
For Ilya to say that he was there to teach Sage is a complete lie – that guy couldn’t teach Sage anything and he moved around like a robot with his feet in quicksand. We came over there because Sage’s Gracie coach said that he was a world champ in Muay Thai and would be glad to spar 100% – and him wanting to spar 100% was the farthest thing from the truth.”
Anledningen till att Mark Northcutt lade sig i hävdade han berodde på att Grad uppmanades att försöka knäa sonen, trots att de kommit överens om att inte använda knän.
“In between rounds, there was some other guy telling Grad, ‘Why don’t you knee him, why don’t you this?’ That’s actually what set me off at the very end because we had said, ‘Hey, no knees, he has a fight coming up, you know, no knees and no elbows.’ I confronted them about it, and they just went ballistic.”
Det har även dykt upp en video från sparringsessionen, som filmades av Sage Northcutts yngre bror. I videon syns inget anmärkningsvärt – det verkar röra sig om ganska lugn sparring.
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Foto: Mazdak Cavian