I was really frustrated with the end result. Jacare is an amazing contender and now a champion. I was humbled that I was able to go five rounds with him, but I think it goes without saying that I’d like another five rounds with that guy. It’s going to be different…. We’re talking about the most decorated grappler in the planet. I expected him to want to grapple. He countered with me the whole time and I was surprised. I should have put more pressure on him. The only time anyone got dropped in the fight was when I dropped him, but he’s got the belt.
Tim Kennedy gick tjugofem tuffa minuter inatt. Det hela slutade med 49-46, 48-47 och 48-47 till nuvarande mellanvikts-champen i Strikeforce, Ronaldo ”Jacare” Souza. Med endast ett fåtal nedtagningsförsök kontrollerade Jacare större delen av den stående biten utan att behöva använda ett av MMA-världens bästa markspel.
Kennedy som nydligen sagt att han inte nått sin fulla potential är frustrerad över hur matchen gått och hoppas nu att få möta Jacare för ytterliggare fem rundor i framtiden.