Många reagerade på att det inte såg ut som att Ronda Rousey (12-1) var i lika bra form inför UFC 193 som i tidigare matcher, men enligt dietisten Mike Dolce (5-10) var det tvärtom.
Dolce förklarar att Rousey var i väldigt bra form och att hennes viktnedgång och diet inte hade ändrats inför UFC 193. Dolce kritiserar även click-bait artiklar och tror att Rousey kommer att dominera i ett returmöte mot Holly Holm (10-0) om Rousey tränar riktigt hårt varje dag i ett halvår eller tills hon går match igen.
”Ronda was in excellent shape. She had an amazing training camp, there were no discernible changes to her meal plan or her weight cut. She was actually two pounds lighter this fight week than she was the fight week vs. Bethe Correia. So you could pull back and look at the data points. The data points show that Ronda should have had a much better performance. But what the variable is, is Holly Holm. Holly Holm did a great job on that night. And it’s unfortunate to see, but this is the current climate that we live in right now. You know, nationally, globally, specifically within this little microcosm of Mixed Martial Arts, people only look for negative. If it bleeds it leads. And that story certainly sells as we can see with all the click-bait headlines out there with very little actual context inside the article. So this is what people are trying to hang their hat on, but nobody’s really talking about the great job that Holly did. Moving forward, of course I predict Ronda will be dominant and I think Ronda will be extremely dominant in a rematch, but she’s going to have to work every single day of these next six months or so until she steps inside there.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian