Cat Zingano (9-1) utmanade om bantamviktstiteln mot Ronda Rousey (12-0) på UFC 184, men blev besegrad via armbar efter 14 sekunder, men Zingano är säker på att hon fortfarande har vad som krävs för att bli mästare.
Zingano berättar att hennes plan var att besegra Rousey för att sedan ta en paus och handskas med alla personliga saker som hon har gått igenom de senaste åren, men Zingano är fortfarande inställd på att hon har vad som krävs för att besegra Rousey.
”I’m still here. This was a really good thing to do for myself, to give myself the time. I’m watching the results with my body, I’m watching the results with my spirit and my personal life. I’m excited that I gave myself this gift. These last couple of years have been a lot. Everything kind of got thrown at me and I was forced to adapt under pressure. My plan was that I had to get through all this, I can’t take a break, I have to keep grinding and get through. The end goal was to beat Ronda and then take a break and kind of deal with life and what my new normal was with my son. Obviously I didn’t beat Ronda, but I still needed to regroup. I want to get back because I know I have everything it takes to be a champion. I know I have everything it takes to beat Ronda and be the best in the world. It’s just going out there and doing it.”
Foto: Bobby Cavian