Det verkar vara sura känslor mellan Urijah Faber och TJ Dillashaw trots allt. Dillashaw avslöjade på The MMA Hour bl.a att Faber har bannlyst honom från att visa sig på TAM-gymmet.
Det verkar som om det ligger onda känslor hos Team Alpha Male när TJ Dillashaw nu flyttar till Elevation-teamet i Colorado. Tidigare har Urijah Faber erkänt att han tycker flytten skickar ett dåligt budskap om TAM till andra gym, att det inte är bra nog för världsmästare. Men Dillashaw slår nu tillbaka om kvaliteten inte är vad som ligger bakom flytten utan snarare Faber själv och hans bråk med tränaren Duane Ludwig:
Obviously it’s been really tough, tougher than I imagined. I thought it was going to be going over a little bit easier. But, you really find out who people are when you got to make these kinds of decisions. I thought guys on the team, everyone actually did take it that way, but I feel that Urijah took a little bit harder than I thought he would. I thought he was going to understand my position and understand where I’m at. I kind of feel he almost put me in this position. I want to talk about the position I’ve been put in. I’ve been stuck in between Urijah and Duane Ludwig for this past camp going back and forth in my training camp and these guys are bickering at each other. That makes it tough on me.
Beslutet att lämna TAM var för Dillashaw inte helt enkelt men att Faber skulle reagera så starkt att han faktiskt bannlyste Dillashaw från att ens visa sitt ansikte på Sacramento-gymmet var världsmästaren inte beredd på:
He took it pretty hard and I was actually forced out of the gym. I’m not allowed to work out at Alpha Male anymore because of the decision I made. I live in Sacramento for the last six years and I’ve been putting in a lot of work here helping the guys. I teach kickboxing classes on Mondays and Thursdays. That’s not going to fly with me when I get into camp. It’s tough for somebody to not understand that I put my heart and soul into this team as much as I could and they kicked me out of the gym. I am not allowed to show my face at Alpha Male, which is kind of crazy to me. It’s super tough.
En av de vanligaste frågorna som kommit upp efter att flytten annonserades är ”kommer mötet mellan Dillashaw och Faber bli av” och skulle matchen bokas idag hade Dillashaw tackat ja till matchen:
He’s obviously looking for a big fight in his career. I don’t want to have to do it, but, I’ll be the last statement on his career if that needs to be, but it’s not the way I really want to do it. Probably most likely (I’ll say yes to fight). I don’t want to have to fight Urijah, it’s not something I want to have to do, I love the guy. The ball is in his court, I am the champion but the ball is in his court.