Ariel Helwani kör varje vecka sin podcast The MMA Hour och nedan så kan du se dagens avsnitt LIVE med start kl 19.00.
Ungefärliga tider kan du se här nedan:
- 19.00 – UFC bantamweight Brad Pickett will talk about his foray into MMA promoting and what’s next for him.
- 19.25 – Holly Holm will talk about fighting Ronda Rousey at UFC 193.
- 19.45 – UFC bantamweight champion T.J. Dillashaw will discuss what’s next for him.
- 20.05 – Sam Stout will explain why he decided to retire last week.
- 20.25 – Kyra Gracie will discuss her new show on UFC Fight Pass, ”The Third Degree with Kyra Gracie.”
- 20.45 – Valerie Letourneau will look ahead to her UFC strawweight title fight against Joanna Jedrzejczyk.
- 21.05 – Invicta atomweight Jinh Yu Frey will preview her Invicta FC 14 bout against Liz McCarthy.
- 21.20 – We’ll go Inside the Vault and look back at a classic interview.
- 21.25 – We’ll answer your #themmahour questions on anything and everything going on in the MMA world. Hit us up on Twitter using that hash tag or leave a question in the comments section below.
- 22.05 – Mark Hunt will discuss his new book, ”Born to Fight,” as well as his UFC 193 rematch against Antonio Silva.