Brian Stann berättar att 60% av alla fighters han pratat med är positiva till Reebokaffären. Han diskuterar även managements roll när det kommer till sponsring.
Nästa månad kommer Reebokaffären att träda i kraft. Många fighters har uttryckt ett missnöje då det leder till mindre sponsorpengar för många. Fd UFC-fightern Brian Stann går nu ut med sin syn på det hela. Stann anser att han hade sitt management att tacka för att han drog in stora sponsorpengar:
”If I was still fighting, it would have been very bad for me to go without management. However, that being said, I retired right as the sponsorship market really started to collapse, so I got lucky and made great money off of sponsors, and not just for when I fought, but in monthly installments. I had an appearance-heavy schedule. When I would fight, the very next month after, I was doing a lot of public speaking appearances, commercial shoots and event appearances for my sponsors. That’s how my manager, Robert Roveta, got really creative.”
”A lot of the companies that were sponsoring me made money in the service member market or something else that was directly relevant to my career interests; VA mortgages, supplement industry – I was going to a lot of events for bodybuilding and fitness. It would have hurt me tremendously to not have had my management. However, some of my deals were coming to an end, and it didn’t sound like they were going to renew them when I got out, because that was when the market really started to dry up, and I’ve heard it’s gotten worse.”
Enligt Stann är 60% av de fighters han pratat med positivt inställda till Reebokaffären:
”I have to admit, 60% of the fighters that I have spoken to, told me the Reebok deal was better for them. I was really surprised to hear that. I thought lots of guys were going to be upset. I talked to Ryan LaFlare on our podcast last week, and he said for his fight with Demian Maia, he was main event, and his total sponsorships were $12,000. He’s only been paid 3 grand of that so far. He said that is the third fight in a row where he’s only gotten about that level of money from sponsors, and only received about that same percentage of the money. ‘I was supposed to have made $10 grand in my last fight, but have only received $2 grand of it.’ These guys are getting stiffed an awful lot, which is a shame.”
Han anser att fighters som har egna sponsorer är privilegierade:
”Being able to have your own sponsors was a privilege, it wasn’t a right. The UFC gave that to you. I think Chael Sonnen put that the best. However, to have that privilege for so long, and then all the sudden, you go from 60 to 0 in a split second, you kind of have to expect a massive outcry. You’ve got to brace for impact. That part was kind of difficult to swallow.”
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