Ronda Rousey (10-0) var nyligen med sports illustrated Och pratade om olika frågor som har uppstått kring fotograferingen.
Rousey pratade om den överenskommelse som hon har med sin mamma angående bilder.
”Well, no one saw my vagina,” Sa Rousey på mediadagen för att promota UFC 184.”There’s the one big difference. The agreement that me and my mom came up with was whatever you’re not willing to show in public, you won’t show in a magazine. So if I’m gonna tan on the beach with my top off facedown, how is that different than anything I’ve shot so far? If they can’t see your cash and prizes, then I’m fine with it. If I’m gonna do that on a Saturday, then what’s wrong with me doing it in a magazine?”
Rousey har alltid ansett sig själv som lite av en pojkflicka när hon växte upp och blev retad för att hon inte var tillräckligt feminin.
”I never wore makeup until I was 21, because I was bartending and I needed tips,” Rousey said. ”You never know. I followed where everything went and I’m really happy where I’m at now. I’m glad that I had no clue growing up. I’m glad that I grew up a little slower and I wasn’t into any of that stuff in high school. I wouldn’t have changed anything. I’m happy to be one of the unpopular kids back then, because it makes things so much more satisfying right now.”
Rousey har blivit en förebild och gillar den rollen.
”I purposely, any time I do a shoot that’s aimed for any kind of feminine or sexual purpose, I try to be a little bigger on purpose just to promote a healthier body image,” sa Rousey. ”And it’s kind of funny, I think that says a lot more to change what women expect from themselves than not doing anything at all, than withholding any sexuality at all. I think that changing the kind of media and images directed at men changes what women expect out of themselves.”
Rousey erkände att det kändes lite pinsamt under fotograferingen.
”I couldn’t even smile not awkwardly for a photo,” Rousey said of the SI shoot. ”I had like a Chandler Bing, like that smile. I couldn’t do it right. You had to like surprise me.”
Rousey övervägde aldrig att tacka nej när hon blev erbjuden att göra fotograferingen.
”I was stoked from the very beginning,” she said. ”Why would you hesitate?”
Rousey ska försvara sitt bantamviktsbälte mot Cat Zingano på UFC 184.