Förhandlingarna för att få till en match mellan Manny Pacquiao och Floyd Mayweather är riktigt nära nu, men det finns trots allt några hinder kvar.
Det var i förra veckan som Bob Arum gick ut med att Pacquiao hade gått med på en 40/60 delning av lönen för matchen och ett datum för 2 May hade accepterats av båda fighters. Det största hindret just nu är att Mayweather inte skrivit under ännu och han har nu fått en deadline, till slutet av månaden.
”My promoter and I, we’ve already agreed to the terms and conditions of whatever he wants. We’re just waiting on the signed contract from him,” Pacquiao told the LA Times, while also admitting he doesn’t know the finer details of what’s holding up the deal. ”That’s the hard part – if they will fight or not. We have to know soon, because if they will not fight, we can move on and choose another opponent”
”We have a deadline… this month.”
”I don’t have an idea,” Manny said if he thinks the long overdue bout will finally push through. ”The fans deserve this fight. We’re waiting on the signed contract. It’s up to them.”
Mayweather har gästat The Whoolywood Shuffle och sagt att Pacquiao inte har något att säga till om.
”Pacquiao said that he agreed to everything. What did you agree to? You have no say so,” Mayweather said. ”You have a boss. That’s called Top Rank Promotions. That’s not called Pacquiao Promotions. With my company, it’s called Mayweather Promotions.”
”Do I want to fight Pacquiao? Absolutely! Are we negotiating? Absolutely! But has the fight been made? Not at all,” he continued. ”We’re trying, but it’s been extremely difficult dealing with Top Rank. I don’t want to sit right here and point the finger at Pacquiao and say it’s him, because it’s not Pacquiao. It’s his promoter.”
”So a lot of times when Pacquiao says, ’Oh, I agree’, You don’t have nothing to do with this. You’re not a boss. On the chess board, you’re a pawn.”