Den tyske fjäderviktaren är tillfälligt avstängd, men menar att det inte fanns någon avsikt att fuska.
Dennis Siver (22-9) ställdes mot Manny Gamburyan på UFC 168 i Las Vegas förra december. Efter full tid utnämndes Siver till vinnare via enhälligt domslut, men ett par månader senare offentliggjordes det att Siver testat positivt för en otillåten substans. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) dök så småningom upp i Sivers system. Det är främst en fertilitetsdrog avsedd för kvinnor, men kan även användas för att sätta igång testosteronproduktion hos män som tidigare använt steroider.
MMA Fightings Shaun Al-Shatti kunde idag meddela att Siver blivit avstängd av Nevadas idrottskommission (NSAC), hur länge avstängningen gäller framgår dock inte.
Tysken menar dock att avsikten inte var att fuska och att han inte tog dessa medel avsiktligt. I ett långt uttalande släppt till delade Siver med sig av sina sida av historien.
Today I would like to issue a public statement and give my fans and supporters the opportunity to form their own opinion on how the alleged doping allegations against me came about.
Last fall, my coach Niko Sulenta was diagnosed with severe cancer, which lead to me being on my own during the preparations for a UFC fight for the first time, without me being able to draw on his longstanding care and advice. Niko has always been essential to my weight reduction.
So prior to UFC 168 I had to hire an external personal trainer and nutritionist to support me with making weight. The nutritionist recommended me a new diet method from the US, which had been successfully used by the stars.
Thereupon I asked, if I, as a competitive professional athlete, could safely use this supplement. This was confirmed to me. Then I committed the fatal mistake of not making sure through the UFC if individual substances from the supplement could have effects on the drug tests.
I flew to the US and won my fight. I was all the more shocked when the result of the A sample was deemed ’inconclusive’ and I was hoping for the result of the B sample. They found a small component of hCG in my urine sample – a minor ingredient of the diet preparation and a substance which is banned in the UFC.
I do not want to blame anyone for this result and I take full responsibility for my gullible and careless behavior. It was my mistake and it was grossly negligent. But I distance myself from any kind of doping. In my previous sixteen UFC fights, not even the smallest banned substance has been detected. This makes the current events all the more disappointing and shocking for me and my team.
UFC kommer att hålla organisationens första gala i Berlin, Tyskland den 31:a maj. Det återstår att se om Siver kommer att kunna tävla på galan.