Efter att ha knockat den tuffa dansken Martin Kampmann på UFC 154 förväntade sig Johny ”Bigg Rigg” Hendricks en titelchans. Det verkar nu som att welterviktsmästaren Georges St-Pierre är mer intresserad av en match mot Nick Diaz.
Som gäst på The MMA Hour talade Hendricks om St-Pierre, och hans frustration över att mästaren möjligtvis kommer möta en annan fighter.
“I was worried about (Anderson) Silva, GSP fighting Silva. I didn’t know I had to worry about someone in my own weight class. I was pissed GSP wanted this, you know what I mean? Who cares what they say about you, who cares what they say about anything and fight the number one contender,” förklarade ”Bigg Rigg” om situationen.
I did everything I could to put myself into that kind of position, and then just to get it revoked from me because GSP wants something else. I’m actually fighting to get my title shot while [Diaz is] on suspension, then all of a sudden GSP throws his name in front of mine. I’m actually more mad at GSP. I’m not mad at anybody else but GSP for calling somebody else out. I think he is trying to stay away from me.”
Trots allt är amerikanen hoppas amerikanen fortfarande på att få möta mästaren.
”Even here today, I’m watching videos and I’m training to fight GSP. I’m not going to give up hope and I really truly believe that I am the number one contender and I should be fighting him and hopefully he comes to his senses.”
När han tillfrågades om han har något att säga till St-Pierre, visste amerikanen precis vad han ville säga.
“Don’t be scared, fight me pretty much, please. Please put me in that Octagon with you and if you believe you can win, that bad, and if you believe you can honestly win, fight me and prove it,” sa welterviktaren. ”If you prove it, then I am not going to sit here and say a word. I lost, if you’re better than me, if you prove it, I’m going to say, ‘You’re a better fighter than me.’ But, don’t take it away from me by throwing somebody else in there.”
Vem tycker ni Georges St-Pierre borde möta i sin nästa match, förtjänar Hendricks en titelchans?