Den 14 april går Diego Nunes upp i oktagonen mot Dennis Siver i Globen. MMAnytt fick chansen att prata med honom om hans fight mot Silver och om hur det är att få gå match på Sveriges första UFC-gala. Nunes är mitt uppe i hårdträningen inför matchen och fokuserar just nu på att förbereda sig inför kickboxningen som är Sivers specialité.
– I’m really excited to get to spend a camp really focusing on stand up. I believe this will be more of a stand up fight, but at the end of the day, this is MMA, and anything can happen. I’m working mainly with stand-up fighters in Brazil – fighters that come from a striking background and even Muay Thai fighters. However, I might bring someone in for the fight, once I’m in the U.S. Either way, I’m planning on focus most of my time working on my striking skills and I will focus a lot of my training over there on my boxing skills, säger Diego Nunes till
Nunes kommer under matchens gång få visa prov på hans slagförmåga och han vill ge fansen en match att komma ihåg genom att slåss mot lite större namn.
– Dennis is a tough guy, very experienced and a natural striker. I’ve been wanting a fight like that; a stand-up war, so I’m very excited! Dennis Siver is a very tough and experienced guy. I like fighting bigger names, because the fight gets more attention from the media and the fans and that, in turn, motivates me more. I’m really happy I get to be the one to welcome Dennis to the new weight class.
Att inte gå match på hemmaplan tycker Nunes är bra, han får då visa upp sig framför en ny publik och vinna lite nya fans.
– Yes, I like to conquer new fans! I’m very excited and honored to get to fight on the first UFC card in Sweden’s history. I’ve fought in Brazil, the U.S and Canada before but I’m looking forward to getting to fight in front of new fans and hopefully make some new fans in the process. I want to show the Swedish fans my heart and hopefully, I can win them over with my fighting style. However, I’m just honored of the experience to get to fight there. European fighters are tough and fight hard! I just want them all to know that I promise a great fight and I hope I will be welcomed into Sweden.