UFC: Sweden med 15 428 åskådare kan klassas som en succé. Men mer som en succé har vi de svenska fansen, de som satt i publiken. Efter galan var över så var UFCs VD Dana White mer än nöjd över galan och dess publik.
– It was awesome, säger Dana White på presskonferensen efter galan. The crowd here was amazing. Again, we’ve had some loud crowds like Ireland was crazy, the first time down in Brazil, but I think the guys here took it tonight. I think they made have won it tonight. It was awesome. One thing I really like about Sweden is that the guys here are very knowledgeable crowd. These guys understood the ground, they understood when guys was in submissions and got out. It was a very educated crowd here.
Men det var inte bara publiken som gjorde sitt, även deltagarna på galan Magnus ”Jycken” Cedenblad, Reza ”Mad Dog” Madadi, Besam Yousef, Papy Abedi och Alexander Gustafsson gjorde sitt för att få en riktigt riktigt bra gala.
– Sweden represented tonight man, fortsätter Dana. Tonight was all great fights. Everybody brought it. There are other times when we go to another markets and we grab some guys from that markets and they don’t do too well in the UFC. I think Sweden is right up there as far as the world goes. And how talented the athletes are from this country and i think they represented very well on a global level.
Att UFC kommer att komma tillbaka till Sverige så stannar inte frågan kvar på ”om” utan snarare ”när”. Detta kunde White inte svara på, men han räknade med att återkomma så snart som möjligt åtminstone.