Tungviktaren tillåts återigen att tävla för UFC då man inte kunnat bevisa att Travis Browne ska ha misshandlat sin före detta flickvän.
Det var tidigare under sommaren som Travis Browne (17-3) stängdes av från all tävling och framträdanden för UFC efter anklagelser om misshandel mot en före detta flickvän. Det var Jenna Renee själv som postade bilder på skadorna på Instagram.
Utredningen mot Browne lades nyligen ner och UFC lyfte inatt tungviktarens avstängning. Enligt organisationen själva anlitade man en före detta FBI-agent med mer än 25 år av erfarenhet för att utreda fallet. Ett uttalande från UFC hittas nedan:
“The investigation found inconclusive evidence to support claims of alleged domestic violence involving Browne, and inconclusive evidence that Browne had violated the UFC Fighter Conduct Policy. As a result, UFC has lifted Browne’s temporary suspension and anticipates him returning to competition in the coming months. UFC takes allegations of domestic violence very seriously, and they will be investigated for their validity. If proven true with facts, it will result in swift action on our part.”
Browne släppte även han ett uttalande där han tackar UFC för organisationens stöd i utredningen och antyder att han är offer för felaktiga anklagelser:
I’d like to first thank my family, friends, fans & team for the overwhelming support they have shown me during this challenging time. This 2 month period has taught me that strength truly does come from within. Sometimes saying nothing, requires more strength than saying everything. I made a conscious choice to keep quiet, comply and put my faith in the organization that has provided an amazing life for me and my family (UFC). They were forthright and honest from the beginning in stating that they took these allegations extremely seriously & were on a mission to get to the truth. I am so excited that this investigation has concluded and that i have the privilege to get back in the cage and do what I was put on this earth to do. In closing, my children are my life, they are my heart, they are my soul. Kaleo and Keawe have been taught to show women the utmost respect and that gift of parenting with a purpose is something that i can hold my head high and continue doing with pride.
Travis Browne
Foto: Micha Forssberg