Ariel Helwani kör varje vecka sin podcast The MMA Hour och nedan så kan du se måndagens avsnitt. Gäster för den här gången är Alexander Gustafsson, Ben Rothwell, Dustin Poirier, Patrick Cummins, John Kavanagh och Malki Kawa.
Ungefärliga tider kan du se nedan.
- 18.03 Irish MMA journalist Peter Carroll will recap UFC Fight Night 76
- 18.25 Manager Malki Kawa will talk about Jon Jones’ return to MMA and other news regarding his clients.
- 18.45 Alexander Gustafsson will look back at his loss to Daniel Cormier and talk about what’s next for him.
- 19.25 SBG Ireland head coach John Kavanagh will look back at UFC Fight Night 76.
- 19.45 Patrick Cummins will preview his Nov. 7 fight against Glover Teixeira.
- 20.05 Ben Rothwell will discuss his time in Ireland and what’s next for him.
- 20.25 Dustin Poirier will look back at a disappointing week in Ireland and discuss what’s next.
- 20.45 We’ll go Inside the Vault and look back at a classic interview.
- 20.50 We’ll answer your #themmahour questions on anything and everything going on in the MMA world. Hit us up on Twitter using that hash tag.
Plus, we’ll be taking your calls on anything and everything. Got a question or comment? Give us a call at 1-888-418-4074.
* Vitor Belfort skulle ha dykt upp vid 19.05 men vägrade då Helwani inte tänke undvika att fråga vissa saker.
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Vem vill ni se Alexander Gustafsson möta härnäst?
Foto: Micha Forssberg