Initialt var det sagt att Nick Diaz inte skulle delta under presskonferensen efter UFC 158 men efter ett tag valde han att dyka upp. I sina svar sa han både att han skulle gå i pension, att han ville ha en returmatch mot George St-Pierre och att han var intresserad av en match mot Anderson Silva.
Det som stod ut mest i allt Diaz hade att säga var att han aldrig betalt skatt i hela sitt liv.
”I just have to do the best with what I have. You know what? I’ve never paid taxes in my life, no joke. And no one wants to hear that kind of talk and what’s going on with me. I might as well just be a kid. I’ve had fight after fight after fight after fight, and you don’t know what that does to somebody who didn’t graduate high school. Take it into consideration for a second what three fights a year will do to you your whole life. And the only time you have some time off, it’s not like it’s a vacation – everybody’s telling you you’re this piece of shit, you’re suspended, you ain’t fighting this guy, you ain’t fighting that guy, you have to come back and dance around a bunch of hard hitting people. It’s a rough sport.”, sa Diaz under presskonferensen.
UFC:s vd Dana White var med all säkerhet beredd på det mesta när det kommer till Nick Diaz men att han öppet skulle medge att han begått skattebrott fanns inte med på den listan.
”What’s sad is, he better go pay his taxes,” sa White enligt MMAjunkie. ”He came out publicly tonight and said he’s never paid taxes in his life? Holy shit. That’s sad. You wanna talk about sad? That’s sad. Somebody better handle that with this check and make sure that kid doesn’t end up with nothing. There’s a guy who’s Nate and Nick’s lawyer and seems like a decent guy looking out for them. I’ll probably give this guy a call and tell him, ’Nick said he’s never paid taxes in his life, and you probably want to start working on that fuckining Sunday morning, not Monday morning.'”
White menade även att om det varit officiellt hur mycket Diaz tjänat på nattens match mot George St-Pierre skulle ingen tycka synd om honom.