48 timmar innan UFC 201 hoppade Justin Scoggins av matchen mot Ian McCall på grund av problem med viktnedgången. McCall spekulerar om anledningen till avhoppet under kvällens The MMA Hour.
Matchen mellan Ian McCall (13-5-1) och Justin Scoggins (11-2) skulle ha blivit en intressant match. Tyvärr blev den inte av då Scoggins hade problem med att gå ner i vikt inför matchen så att han hoppade av. Men McCall tror att någonting annat låg bakom avhoppet. Han spekulerade om anledningen när han gästade The MMA Hour ikväll och han började med att berätta om Scoggins beteende inför matchen.
”I feel like I’ve been played by [Scoggins]. Because he acts like we’re friends, and we’re nice, and I’m feeling like shame on me. Because all this trash he’s talking and all this dumb stuff and personal stuff he’s bringing up. He’s like screen-shotting text messages from my agent to his agent and like, making up all this stuff.”
”And then a big part of me wants to just bury him as far as making him look like an idiot, because there’s a lot of things that the young man has said and done that are very stupid. He tried to come off smart, like him talking about, ’oh, I was at 2 percent body fat and the doctor said I can’t cut anymore.’ Well, if you understand a thing called science, if you’re less than three, three-and-a-half percent body fat, you’re feeding off your organs. Like, you’re actually feeding off your organs. So you’re lying.”
”If you’re going to try and sound smart, at least be smarter than someone who is at least a little bit knowledgeable like myself. You’re trying to make excuses and I’m sorry but, don’t make me look like the asshole when the things you’re saying aren’t true.”
Han tror inte att det var just vikten som Scoggins hade problem med utan att han kan ha drabbats av ett nervöst sammanbrott på grund av den behandling han råkat ut för under förberedelserna från både tränare och fighters. Hans ålder kan, enligt McCall, ha spelat en roll.
”What I think happened, I don’t know if it’s mental issues, or maybe nerves, or maybe outside stuff – I mean, maybe he’s on drugs, who knows – he’s just acting very erratic and silly. But I think it was a mental lapse where he broke down – and this is just speculation, this is just my bro sense – where he snapped and couldn’t make the weight, so he started eating and drinking. Because everybody, and I mean everybody who was on the card – we’re talking trainers and strength coaches and other fighters – were MFing him to me like crazy. They were like, fuck him this, and that guy’s a piece of shit, and I’m like whoa whoa. Everyone simmer down.
”So, I just think he broke down, and it could have been a mixture of personal issues and his lack of discipline or, I don’t know. He’s a young guy and he’ll learn from this. I’m sure he’ll come back stronger. He’s a stud. But this was just a maturity thing and a self control thing, and he seemed to have lost it, and that’s no one’s fault but his own.”
Foto: Daniel Patinkin