Demetrious Johnson (23-2-1) kommer att försvara sitt flugviktsbälte mot Henry Cejudo (10-0) på UFC 197 och berättar varför han tycker att han borde få nästan lika bra betalt som Conor McGregor (19-3).
Johnson hyllar McGregor för att lyckats ha fått en sjusiffrig lön efter sin senaste match, men förklarar att han borde närma sig en likadan lön för all den teknik han uppvisar i sina matcher.
”First off, shout out to Conor McGregor for being the first fighter in UFC to earn seven figures payout. Yes, I do pay attention to that. I honestly do believe I should be closer just for the skill set I bring into the Octagon. Obviously everybody can look back at UFC 191 and see, that’s one of my goals is to inch closer to bigger paydays. Shout out to Nate Diaz, both of those guys for setting the pedestal for us guys to get paid more. We go out there and work our assess off, and the UFC works its ass off to promote the fight and to try to sell tickets. I think that it’s great those guys are getting paid more, but I would obviously like to see Demetrious Johnson’s 197 payout at $500K, baby. Absolutely.”
Foto: Mazdak Cavian