Cage Warriors matchmäklare har släppt ett uttalande gällande situationen kring CWFC 71.
Cage Warriors 71, avsett för Stockholm den 23:e augusti, riskerar att bli inställt. Detaljerna håller fortfarande på att fastställas men motsättningar gällande tillämpandet av de unifierade MMA-reglerna är enligt en källa till MMAnytt en stor bidragande faktor.
Nyligen kunde CWFCs matchmäklare Ian Dean släppa ett uttalande om situationen.
”Cage Warriors has been a big supporter of unified rules for many years and we’ve worked extremely hard to promote best practice within the MMA industry. Not only do we use experienced and world-class officials to oversee our events, but we also take care of our athletes, both before and after their bouts. We have a reputation worldwide for staging competitive bouts and for being a testing ground for the best up-and-coming fighters to learn their trade, thrive and ultimately excel in a fair, safe, and professional environment. The talent that has passed through Cage Warriors in the last four years under the current ownership is testament to that, and one of the reasons for this success is that we’ve followed and respected the unified rules.
Cage Warriors has also been a big supporter of Scandinavian, particularly Swedish, fighters and over the past 12 years we’ve provided a platform for the likes of Jani Lax, David Bielkheden, Diego Gonzalez, Jack Hermansson, Assan Nije and many more.
Since our successful event in Denmark back in March, I was looking forward to taking Cage Warriors to Sweden to show our growing fanbase in Scandinavia just what makes Cage Warriors one of the world’s premier MMA events. But this nonsensical decision to water down our event is not only disappointing for us as an organisation, but it’s also insulting to the rostered CWFC fighters who have been told they’re not allowed to fight under the ruleset which they have spent so much time diligently working on. The local Swedish talent have also been denied a chance to showcase their skills in front of a worldwide audience in a professionally-run, internationally-recognised event, and I cannot understand why the SMMAF would act in this way.”
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